In Posts by Ken Tutwiler



Time has been flying by as we are already approaching Christmas. It is important for you to know that members of Cops Out Preaching Salvation have continued to remain faithful preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Every month the team has ministered to the men at U Turn for Christ in Perris California. We have seen God move at every service where men either came forward for the first time to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior or to rededicate their lives to the Lord.

The team has continued to minister to the men incarcerated at Chino Prison’s East yard. There have been great results for God’s kingdom in that place of darkness.
In February, members spent four days in Arkansas. They ministered to men that are incarcerated in the prisons. They visited seven prisons and did a total of eight services. It was exhausting but God gave us the strength to press forward. Several men received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and many others rededicated their lives to the Lord. This was COPS ministry’s 15th year ministering in Arkansas.
In June, members of the team went to Arizona. They ministered to the men incarcerated in the prisons in Phoenix. Again, God was glorified and men came to the Lord for their first time and others rededicated their lives to Jesus. The team was invited to do a church service at Mountain of Life (Pastor Grammar’s church) located in Surprise AZ. The congregation was blessed and so was the team.
In August, the team went to Nevada and did three church services in two prisons where the women are incarcerated. They had a wonderful time ministering to the women incarcerated. Many women responded to the altar call receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior, rededicating their lives to the Lord and for emotional healing. It was so wonderful to see God’s Holy Spirit move.

While we were in Nevada, we went to Pahrump to the men’s new U Turn for Christ facility and had church. We were very blessed to spend some time with the men there. Afterwards, the pastor of CC Pahrump blessed us with lunch. We had a wonderful time fellowshipping and breaking bread.

In August, Pastor Jones invited members of the team to do a church service at Grace Bethel Missionary Baptist Church located in Riverside, California. At the end of the service, Pastor Jones asked his congregation to come up and lay hands on us and our family praying for our safety and showing support for the police. We had a wonderful time. God is so good!

In November, God opened prison and jail doors for the first time in the great state of Utah. Members of the team went to the Utah Penitentiary and Weber County Jail. They ministered to women that are incarcerated in the prison and to men incarcerated in jail. We are so thankful that God has expanded COPS ministries territory which reminds me of the Prayer of Jabez.

COPS ministry has now ministered to men and women incarcerated in prisons and jails in 12 different states. We are so excited as God continues to expand our territories for His kingdom!!!

Please continue to pray for COPS ministry and the team. Please pray that we continue to bring glory to God and that we continue to spread His gospel to the lost.
We want to thank all of you for your prayers, encouragement, and donations.

Merry Christmas,

President Ken Tutwiler Matthew 25:36

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COPS Mission Statement

To share God’s love and grace expressed through His wonderful Son Jesus Christ.To reach those who are incarcerated in jails and prisons, giving them hope through Jesus, assuring them that no matter what sins they have committed, if they will confess their sin and believe in their heart, Jesus is faithful and will forgive them.

To encourage and mentor those who are in bondage, teaching them they are made into a new creation through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; that by faith through grace we are saved.

To bring glory to Jesus Christ through obedience to our commission and by giving all of the praise and all the glory to God.